Translating the Tradition: Eucatastrophe = Pascha Peeking Through

Three apologies are in order for this episode:

  1. You will notice that this is a relatively “old” sermon, from Holy Saturday. I will be “catching up” a bit over the next few episodes, and, while I am, episodes will not always be posted in chronological order.
  2. You will also notice that I had a bit of a cold on Holy Saturday. Sorry about the sniffling!
  3. And, of course, Hanania, Mishael, and Azaria are the Three Holy Youths’ Hebrew names, not their Chaldean names!

Translating the Tradition: The Ultimate Revolution

On Palm Sunday, as we stand, palm-branches in-hand, we do not just remember or re-enact, but, as we reflect on what went wrong in the light of the cross, we embody, as we follow in our Leader’s footsteps, the Ultimate Revolution.

(Inspired in part by one of my favourite podcasts, Revolutions, and, in even larger part, by The Lenten Spring.)

Translating the Tradition: 20 Years an Orthodox Christian

20 years ago, at the Lenten liturgy of St. John of the Ladder (Climacus), I entered the Orthodox Church as a catechumen. My journey to that point is probably best summed up in my letters to my church and to my beloved – this sermon is mostly a reflection on some of the key things I have learned from (or had confirmed by) my experience since then.